Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pinterest Made Easy?

So we can all agree that Pinterest is possibly one of the greatest things since, well, the invention of the internet, right? Need an idea for dinner? Pinterest. Need a recipe for homemade body butter? Pinterest. Planning a wedding? Pinterest!

So many ideas, so little time to try them. And try again. And a third time before it's even close to perfect.

Oh and don't even get me started about supposed "DIY" pins with absolutely no instructions.

Well I've started trying those things I see on Pinterest; ideas that may or may not have a full tutorial, pictures included. And I thought to myself "Self, why not put these on a blog so that others can benefit from my trial and error?" (Read: first few tries are usually disasters) I have a loving husband, El, that is willing to let me try, make disasters, try again, and pretend that he is interested the whole time; what else do I need, really?

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